Eduardo Dias
(Assistant Professor)
Equipa de Investigação
Artur Machado
(Assistant Professor with Aggregation)
Cândida Mendes
(Post-Doc Researcher)
Dinis Pereira
(Post-Doc Researcher)
Duarte Mendonça
(Post-Doc Researcher)
José Fontes
(Assistant Professor)
M. S. Lopes
(Post-Doc Researcher)
Maria João Trota
(Assistant Professor)
Sílvia Bettencourt
(Post-Doc Researcher)
José Azevedo
![](Imagens/Parceiros/UAc.png) ![](Imagens/Parceiros/FGF.png)
Entidades Financiadoras![](Imagens/Parceiros/DRCT.jpg) ![](Imagens/Parceiros/FCT.png) ![](Imagens/Parceiros/acores2020.png)
Grants e Protocolos
Eduardo Dias
(Assistant Professor)
Eduardo Dias, Assistant Professor at the
University of the Azores, with a Degree in Biology and a PhD in
Plant Ecology, with a thesis on Natural Forest Ecology of the
Azores, and postgraduate degrees from the University of Uppsala
and the University of La Laguna.
Eduardo Dias presented the first classification of the Natural
Forest Ecology of the Azores, and peatlands. Created and
promoted the accreditation of the Herbarium of Azores University
and the Research Group of Applied Plant Ecology - GEVA - that
coordinates the work of several research fellows. Coordinated
the team that developed the proposal for the ZEC's terrestrial
Natura2000 on Plant and Vegetation, and recently for the
Management Plan and Monitoring Plan and Reports. He coordinated
two LIFE projects and is actually consultant for two other LIFE
projects of restoration ecology in Azores and Madeira
Archipelagos. He published several scientific papers and has
several presentations at national and international conferences
focused on biogeography, ecology and classification of natural
heritage and an extensive work of cartography, with the
development of distribution models of endemism and evaluation of
island ecological factors. Recently it is involved in
Conservation and Restoration programs.
His team have a large background in Field Expeditions (survey),
Remote Sensing, GIS, Drones, GIS models.
(+ info)
Biblioteca do Conhecimento
Espécies-alvo do CONNECT.GENE
2019. Participação no The 28th European Vegetation Survey Meeting in Madrid (Spain)
2019. Participação no Workshop RIS3 Agricultura, Pecuária e Agroindústria – Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação. 18 de setembro de 2019, TERINOV – TERCEIRA
2019. Participação no Workshop on NATURAL HAZARDS - NatHaz19 - Hydrological Risks. Pico Island 9 and 19 may 2019
2018. Publicação das Cartas RAMSAR de ilhas em estudo
2017. Participação no Biogeography and Syntaxonomy of the Atlantic Regions - Cape Verde 2017. X Encontro Internacional de Fitossociologia 5 a 7 de Novembro, cidade da Praia, ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde.
2017-2018. Têm sido realizadas Expedições Científicas às ilhas: Faial, Pico, Terceira e São Miguel
2018. Estabelecido Protocolo com a FLORAGENEX, para análise genética
2018. Grant HEXAGON GEOSPATIAL, para utilização de software
2018. Grant DIGITALGLOBE FOUNDATION, para utilização de imagens satélite
2017. Estabelecido Protocolo com a PlanetLabs para utilização de
imagens satélite |